Opening Minds,

Changing Lives.

Community Involvement

Qode Media is more than just a digital marketing agency - we are human beings that are committed to affecting change, assisting those in need, and giving back to our community. We partner with a variety of different causes and organizations to give back. Every Christmas, our team takes a vote on which charitable organization we will provide pro bono services for that year. Apply now to be considered for December 2018.

ArtsCan Circle

ArtsCan Circle​ is a reconciliation charity that connects creative artists with indigenous youth in remote Canadian communities. Qode Media provided SEO & Social Media services for ArtsCan-2018.

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North York Women’s Shelter

North York Women’s Shelter​ is an emergency shelter for women and children who are survivors of violence. Qode Media provided SEO & Web Design services for NYWS 2016-2017.

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Namrata Sapkota

Namrata Sapkota​ is a 6 year Nepalese girl suffering from Macular Scar and Optic Atrophy. Qode Media has set up a donation page in order to raise funding for treatment.

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Engage and Change Project Winter Survival

Engage and Change is a charity that was created to foster good citizenship and encourage healthy communities by giving back. Engage and Change gives people and companies the opportunities to do hands on group volunteer projects that assemble and build kits to assist in the alleviation of poverty. These kits are then distributed to the local communities through social service agencies directly to those in need.

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Eva's Initiatives for Homeless Youth

Eva’s is an award-winning organization that provides shelter, transitional housing, and programming to help homeless and at-risk youth reach their potential to lead productive, self-sufficient, and healthy lives.

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